By Roy Russell. 
Description by Viv Dodd.

James is approached by a very important looking man to carry a secret passenger to Italy and despite being told that he had been recommended by Callon, he asks for a fee of £400, to appease Robert who needs at least £350 to buy a new shop. He and Sarah are now living in the old warehouse.

Baines has been taken ill and a seaman arrives to offer himself as Mate. James hires him, tells Anne to make the cabin shine for the passenger, who then arrives at the point of departure.

The stranger carries a pistol, much to James' disapproval as captain of the ship, and he appears like someone who is used to being obeyed.


The stranger charms Anne who engages him in conversation but he does not tell her his name.

When walking on deck, James has to take action to prevent an injury to the man from a falling block caused by a crew member cutting a rope. The new mate and several members of the crew are paid assassins to prevent Guiseppe Garibaldi returning to Italy and uniting the country.

James and Anne are informed of the danger to Garibaldi and of his mission but James refuses to land him secretly in Sardinia and wants to go straight to Livorgno to save time and gain his bonus for a fast passage with his cargo.
James is called for by the mate and his co conspirators and held as hostage to attract Garibaldi on deck. Garibaldi emerges and admits to knowing what is to happen. He asks to discharge his pistol as a matter of honour, which he is allowed to do but, as a man approaches with a knife, Garibaldi shoots him with his new repeating revolver and James breaks free to help overpower the assailants.



A British ship is sighted. It has been sent to escort Garibaldi to Italy and he takes his leave of James, telling him that he would not lack for trade in Italy when he, Garibaldi, unites the country.

On their return to Liverpool, James and Anne are met by Robert who is reading the latest news about Garibaldi's arrival in Italy and his success at rallying the people to him. James wants to hear about Robert's new shop that Albert has advised him to buy with the money James has received rather than the one that Callon suggested.

James tells Robert that it will be ` Our third company - Onedin Chandlers Ltd'. Robert protests that it is not fair and that it should be a replacement for the shop he had owned. James exclaims `Fair?! Now.. Let me see.. Did you get Garibaldi back to Italy or did I?'